The person listed here must be available for an interview if selected as a semifinalist.
First Name
Last Name
Nonprofit Organization
Is your nonprofit organization's total annual budget less than $50,000?
Enhearten Unseen Leaders primarily funds projects led by nonprofit organizations having total annual budget less than $50,000. Larger organizations will be considered on a case by case basis.
Our nonprofit organization's total annual budget is less than $50,000.
Our nonprofit organization's total annual budget is more than $50,000.
Email Address
Is this a new project or a new component to an existing project?
We hope to fund projects that are either new to your work or represent a new component to an existing project. Enhearten does not fund ongoing operational costs. The micro grant award amount should be able to fund a specific and substantial part of your project or new component to an existing project.
New project
New component to existing project
Please tell us about yourself.
Write at least a paragraph to help us get to know you. (Maximum 500 words)
Please describe your project and your heart for this work.
Write at least two paragraphs to help us understand your project for which you are requesting Enhearten funding. What specific need does your project help to meet? Why is this important to you? Projects funded by Enhearten Unseen Leaders should be sustainable and/or have ongoing impact. (Maximum 500 words)
If your proposal is for a new component to an existing project, please describe the existing project and the new component.
Help us understand the specific new component that this microgrant would fund. Write one paragraph about the existing project. Then write one paragraph about the new component for which you are requesting funding. (If your proposal is for a completely new project, then you can skip this question.) (Maximum 500 words)
Please describe your vision for the impact of this project. Include how your project impacts unseen leaders or is led by unseen leaders.
Who will be impacted by this project? Approximately how many people? What do you hope will be the long-term impact? Write at least one paragraph. (Maximum 500 words)
Please describe how you will measure project success.
Be specific. What outcomes represent successful completion of the specific project for which you are requesting funding? Write at least one paragraph. (Maximum 500 words)
How would Enhearten funding help you to carry out your vision?
Write at least one paragraph to describe this. Describe briefly your funding structure. Have you received grant support from other organizations? How would Enhearten funding fit in? (Maximum 500 words)
Please provide an informal budget for usage of the micro grant funds.
Please include the following line items, with a brief description and a dollar amount (or N/A) for each. We are looking for details as to specifically how the micro grant funding would be used.
Staff: __________
Materials: __________
Physical space: __________
Other: ____________
Administrative fees (if applicable): __________
Total dollar amount requested: __________
Total budget for the project: __________
(Note: The micro grant award amount should be able to fund a specific and substantial part of your project or new component to an existing project.)
Please provide a timeline for the project.
Include a start date at least three months after the application deadline. Include a projected date for completion of use of funds and a projected submission date for the project report. (Maximum 500 words)
How will your project lift up a community?
Your project might impact relational healing, socio-economic uplift, peacemaking, etc. Please write at least one paragraph. (Maximum 500 words)
How is your project inclusive?
Describe how your project welcomes, serves, learns from, and partners with a diverse group of people. Please write at least one paragraph. (Maximum 500 words)
Is there anything else that you want to share with us?
(Maximum 500 words)
How did you hear about Enhearten Unseen Leaders?
Reference #1
First Name
Last Name
Reference #1 Email
Reference #1 Phone
Reference #1 Relationship to you
Reference #2
First Name
Last Name
Reference #2 Email
Reference #2 Phone
Reference #2 Relationship to you